Idiot’s Five Minute Defense: Declaration Strategy

This is a simple assertion of innocence that can be used for any alleged violation. Police officers earn $200 to $300 in overtime pay to appear in court on their day off. However, officers are paid nothing to write up their version of events when you request a trial by written declaration. In approximately 30% of these cases, they fail to return a declaration of facts, resulting in a dismissal.

The success of such a simplistic declaration hinges solely on the possibility that the citing officer will fail to return his declaration by the deadline. Use of this declaration should be limited to the truly busy and truly lazy. Some also use this declaration because they think their argument stinks but still want to roll the dice for a possible dismissal.

Understand that if the officer does manage to return a declaration by the deadline, this declaration will most surely fail. However, the judge may pity your seeming semi-literacy and drastically reduce your fine.

For directions on how to use this document, click here.


Defendant’s Name: Rick Needy
Case No.: S780824

I’m not guilty.

If the court does not find in my favor in this case, I request a fine reduction and a Court assignment to attend traffic school.

I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct.

( date )
( signature )
( name typed out )