21453: Declaration Strategy 4

When you receive an automated enforcement ticket in the mail from Big Brother (the corporate spy’s at Lockheed Martin, eroding your liberties one blinding flash at a time) you’ll see a grainy black-and-white picture of the driver of the car at the time of the alleged violation.

What none of these degenerate corporate swine and bought-off whore politicians who have inflicted our democracy with this disease know, for a fact, is who was driving the car. All they know, for a fact, is who was the registered owner of the car on the day the photograph was snapped. They send a citation to the registered owner assuming the owner was the driver.

If you were not driving the car at the time of the photograph, these cyber-fascists try to intimidate you into identifying the close friend or family member who was driving your car at the time of the citation. Are you going to turn traitor on your mom, dad, brother, or child over a violation they may have not committed? Will you turn on your own blood to slake the greed of these malevolent corporate swine? You are under no moral obligation to do so. In any case, how can you say for sure whether the driver ran a red light or not if you were not there?

Let’s face it friends, it’s practically impossible to positively identify anyone from a grainy black-and-white picture. Your inability to identify the driver is quite understandable and common. When I consider all the valets, mechanics, detailers, and others to whom I routinely hand over my car keys, it would be a small wonder if I could remember who was driving my vehicle on a specific day when, weeks later, the grainy photograph arrives with my mail.

Bottom Line: If you do not believe that the photographed driver is you, the registered owner, you may choose to simply state that as you see below. By avoiding an actual court appearance, you will avoid having the judge and police officer (always present at court trials) intimidate you into testifying against a loved one. Let’s face it friends, whether we like it or not our family members look very much like ourselves. By not appearing in person, you will also avoid having the judge think you look close enough like your brother to find you guilty and fine you nearly $500 anyway. Do not give these swine the pleasure of making you squirm. RESIST!

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Defendant’s Name: Rick Needy
Case No.: S780824


I wasn’t driving the car at the time of the automated citation.

Please dismiss my case in the interest of justice.


I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct.

( date )
( signature )
( name typed out )