Does this site have a bulletin board or blog?

When we moved this site over to WordPress, I started a new blog to post news about traffic law in California. Mostly Tim and Alex post to it, because they have more time than I do (and Tim is really into writing stuff). You can see that blog here.

There is no venue on this site for members to share their own experiences. Since verdicts are based on the unique details of each case, there is not much sharing of experience going on. Also, most people are cited infrequently and just want to beat their ticket, not gab about the process. It’s been my role to collect the details of tens of thousands of different cases while helping people prepare their defenses. Strategies for contesting the most common offenses are in my member shareware. The newest strategies and declaration examples are emailed to paid members when they pay. I also apply my 10 years of experience in fighting tickets to help my supporting members create the best defense based on the details of their case.

If you feel compelled to share your traffic-ticket-fighting experience, I recommend either leaving a review on Yelp or Google Places.  You can share your ticket-fighting experience on ExpertLaw in the Traffic Court forum.


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